Basic Materials Used for Making Filipino Handicrafts

Do you love using hand-made products like bags, purses and hats? If you do, then you’re probably aware of the various materials used on popular handicrafts, right? This is one of the best things that a Filipino should be proud of –  that the craftsmen here are way too creative that they can turn anything into something that’s more useful! Who would think that an ordinary abaca leaf can be woven into a nice basket or bag? Well, even frog skins are being processed to make purses out of these natural materials!

However, there are times that you won’t really be able to figure out what materials were used. So just to give you an idea, here are some of the basic materials used by craftsmen in making Filipino handicraft products:

1. Abaca – This is one of the most popular raw materials that can be found here in the Philippines. Also known as Manila hemp, Abaca fibers are used for making various products like bags and slippers. Some Filipino-made espadrilles are decorated with Abaca.

2. Rattan – Familiar with the word? This material is often used in making furniture. In a typical Filipino house, you will see a set of furniture made with rattan, a bamboo-like wood which is more hallow and solid. These grow into hundreds of meters long.

3. Bamboo – This is a kind of grass (you heard it right) that’s used in making most of Filipino-made furniture. Unlike Rattan, bamboo plants are more flexible and stronger. However, when it comes to the weight, these are definitely heavier than Rattan. As for the price, bamboo are very much affordable. On some provinces, every 5-meter bamboo can be bought for only 150-200 pesos.

4. Coconut Shells – If there’s one kind of tree that you can surely say “abundant” in this country, it’s the Coconut tree. Aside from the tasty coconut fruit and strong planks of coco lumbers that this tree produces, craftsmen also find use in Coconut shells. Various products are being made out if this material such as coin banks, buttons, flower vases and lamp shades.

5. Fibers – Although this material can be produced be a variety of plants, there are chosen plants that are known for producing good-quality fibers. Some of these plants are abaca, banana, buri, pineapple and maguey. Fibers are used to in creating products like carpet, seat pads, barong tagalog and mattresses.

Because of these raw materials, the country is known for its various Filipino-made products. Mind you, these creations are being exported outside the country. That only means that Filipino products can be compared or leveled with the products produced outside the country. Even more, you can clearly say the the craftsmen here are really skilled and up to par.


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